禅道場 Zen Training

生活のための東洋哲学 asian philosophy for life

真理を一生の住処とする Make the truth a lifelong home











Those who live in truth in their lives are often temporarily unlucky or lonely.


On the other hand, those who are discouraged by power or fashion are, after all, unlucky or lonely, even if they prosper temporarily.


A good person looks at eternal truth beyond the world and thinks about life after death.


In other words, even if you are temporarily unlucky or lonely, it is good to protect the truth as a place of residence, and you should not be lonely forever and lose power or fashion.


Saikontan Part 1 No. 1



菜根譚 (岩波文庫)

菜根譚 (岩波文庫)



The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

  • 作者:Ying-Ming, Hung
  • 発売日: 1985/02/01
  • メディア: ハードカバー