禅道場 Zen Training

生活のための東洋哲学 asian philosophy for life

いつも気楽に天命を全うするほうが良い  it is always better to easily fulfill your destiny.











No matter how rich you are, if you go for luxury, you will run out of money


Then, even if you are not rich, you should be modest and have extra money


No matter how talented you are, if you have the wrong ambitions, you will buy a grudge from others.


In that case, even if you are not talented, it is always better to easily fulfill your destiny.


Saikontan Part 1 No. 55



菜根譚 (岩波文庫)

菜根譚 (岩波文庫)



The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

  • 作者:Ying-Ming, Hung
  • 発売日: 1985/02/01
  • メディア: ハードカバー