禅道場 Zen Training

生活のための東洋哲学 asian philosophy for life

わが身は自然の一部 This self is one small nature











This self is one small nature.


If you are modest in your emotions of anger and make your emotions of good and evil reasonable as a person, you will be at ease and in harmony with nature.


Also, nature is the father and mother of this self.


If no human being as a small nature has a grudge and does not interfere with all things as a large nature, that is the peaceful appearance of nature.


Saikontan Part 1 No. 128



菜根譚 (岩波文庫)

菜根譚 (岩波文庫)



The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

The Roots of Wisdom: Saikontan

  • 作者:Ying-Ming, Hung
  • 発売日: 1985/02/01
  • メディア: ハードカバー